After a breakfast consisting of a few peanuts and a swill of water, off I set for Trondheim and beyond.

The first half off the day took me through the Dovrefjell national park in some fine weather. After an hour or so the uphill’s turned into downhills, pretty much all the way to Trondheim. The scenery was again mind blowing and I couldn’t help but smile the whole way.

Then the day took an about-turn. I now found myself riding through a thunderstorm, with a good measure of rain and hail and no place to hide. Not fun at all. It was the lowest point of the tour so far and thoughts of quitting were sounding good. However, I forced myself to soldier on.

After I left Trondheim the road had somewhat flattened, thus the scenery was now less dramatic. I spent the majority of the time riding through end-less pine forests, which are all well and good but they start to lose their charm with each passing mile.

It wouldn’t be very British of me not to mention the weather. This week I’ve had 2 day’s of sun, 5 day’s of rain. Quite British I’d say.

My fitness has improved now, however I’m still not setting off any speed cameras. I’ve one more mountain range to climb and then it is apparently flat from then on. We’ll see.